Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 class pages.
The Spring term is here! As always we have some really exciting topics to learn during this term running up to Easter and I'm sure the class will really enjoy learning the topics as much as I will teaching them.
Here is some important information about Year 3.
PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Children will need to come to school in their school uniform with their PE kit in a separate bag on those days.
Homework is given out on Thursday and will be expected back by the following Wednesday. (Find below a link the children may either require for homework or that they may simply wish to play- TTRockstars. This is also great for children to practice and really do make learning their Times-tables fun.)
Every week, there will also be a reading homework set on Fridays that must be completed by the following Friday morning ready for our reading lesson. It is important that this reading homework is completed as it will be required for their next reading lesson.
Thank you,
Mrs. Lilley
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (