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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Collective Worship

Collective Worship involves all members of our school sharing time together in quiet moments of reflection to celebrate life and to show reverence to God. Everyone takes an active part in Collective Worship, although parents do have a right to withdraw their child from participation should they choose to do so.


In our Collective Worship, we focus on our school values and how we can live them all around school at home and within our wider community. We take time to think about special days in the Church of England calendar and how we can support local, national and international causes. 


We have daily Collective Worship led by teachers, children and special visitors; the leaders will invite everyone to join them in quiet moments of reflection too. We invite everyone gathered together to sing hymns and reflect on our lives, to show our thankfulness towards God.


Most of our Collective Worship is held in our hall, but sometimes we go to the church or even hold them outside! We also visit different places of worship, such as the Hindu and Sikh temples in Leicester; these help us to understand how other faith groups worship. If we are unable to visit places of worship, we have visits from the St Philip's Centre in Leicester, who bring faith leaders to visit us in school.


We are a Church of England School and are closely associated with the parish church. We have a daily act of worship. Religious Education is taught by all class teachers following Leicestershire guidelines. Children learn about Christian religion in a non-denominational framework and are taught about events, stories and practices of other world religions.  Under the Education Reform Act you have the right to withdraw your child from Religious Education or Assemblies.


Picture News

Each Thursday we use Picture News within our Collective Worship. This resource provide opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for other’s beliefs, feelings and faiths. They encourage exploration, discussion, challenge and inspire children to learn! They also link in with British Values.


Special Collective Worship

Every Friday, we have a special Collective Worship, to share learning that has taken place during the week and to celebrate achievements. We invite everyone to sing songs, say prayers together, show work and celebrate success. 

St Mary's School Prayer


Our Collective Worship lead children worked together to write our school prayer. They thought about what was important in a prayer for them and for our school in particular.


Dear Lord

Thank you for our amazing school,

Thank you for all you have given to us,

Give us the strength and courage to forgive others,

And help us to be kind in what we say and what we do.


Collective Worship Policy 2023-26
