Meet our Team
Staff at St Mary’s C of E Primary School
Who to contact:
Mrs Peberdy our Senior Administrative Lead deals with queries from parents and other members of the public. To speak to Mrs Peberdy or a member of the office team, please call the school office between 8.30am and 4.00pm on: 01664 562500 or email:
Mrs Oakes is the Headteacher and Special Educational Needs co-ordinator and can be contacted via the school office or email:
Our Vice Chair of Governors is Dr Julia Pointon and is contactable via the school office or by emailing:
Headteacher and SENCO: Mrs L. Oakes
Vice Chair of Governors: Dr J Pointon
Year 6 Class Teacher: Mrs Deb Maxfield
Deputy Headteacher, Year 5 Class Teacher: Mr Paul Galvin
Year 4 Class Teacher: Miss K. Mann
Year 3 Class Teacher: Mrs C. Lilley
Year 2 Class Teacher and SLT: Mrs F. Rolls-Drew
Year 1 Class Teacher: Mr C. Priestley
EYFS Teacher: Mrs F. Port & Mrs D. Musson
Senior Administrative Lead: Mrs S. Peberdy
Administration Assistant: Mrs S. Sanders
Support Staff:
Mrs E. Adams
Mrs K. Brightwell
Mrs L. Cliffe
Miss J. Crockett
Mrs S. Fendell
Mrs C. Fendell
Mrs A. Hill
Mrs Z. Pole
Mrs H. Short
Mrs H. Sisson
Premises Officer: Mr J. Sherlock
Assistant Premises Officer: Miss E. Morris-Geary
To contact any of the above please use the school email or telephone number as below:
Telephone: 01664 562500