Uniform Information
All children must be in full school uniform with appropriate black school shoes. No sandals or sports trainers should be worn.
Our school uniform is:
- Dark green jumpers/Cardigan
- White polo shirts/shirt
- Grey trousers/Grey skirts/Grey shorts
- Green and white gingham dresses
- Black school shoes
PE Kits
Our PE Kit is;-
- Green T Shirts with logo
- Black Shorts
- Outside Kit;- black jogging bottoms, black/green sweatshirts
- Trainers
PE Kit
Full PE kit must be worn on PE days with a school jumper or cardigan on top (no tracksuit tops). Dates for PE will be confirmed by class teachers at the start of term. Children need to wear school shoes on PE days and bring their PE shoes in a named bag to change into.
Please see link below to where to purchase school uniform