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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Happy Lunchtimes

The Lunchtime teachers, SLT and Young Governors worked with Steve Harris to help set our goals for lunchtimes and playtimes, these are:

  • Use the zone to provide a new activity every day
  • Use a positive reward system to notice and reward great behaviour
  • Show kindness and consideration when playing- of course you can is the right answer when someone wants to play
  • Show good manners and table manners
  • Have a quieter more pleasant dining room

Below, you can find out more about how our new system will work.

The Zone

The Zone – an area of playground will be known as ‘The Zone’. Each day a different activity will take place, drawn from a wide range of activities designed to appeal to differing ‘styles’ of play. We will let you know each day where the zone will be.

An adult, who will choose that day’s activity and ensure that the rules are known and respected, will supervise the Zone- everyone is welcome in the zone. There will be a different activity every day.

Rules for the Zone

  • Use the equipment in the zone – it can’t be taken out of the zone
  • Everyone can join in  (learners should reply ‘Of course you can’ when asked by another learner if they can join in)


  1. Pom Poms.  Adults can award poms poms freely for positive behaviour during lunchtime.  Pom poms will be collected in four spaghetti jars ( one per class). The winning class will be announced each week in our Friday assembly. The winning class will be presented with the golden lunchbox trophy.
  2. Certificate – each adult will nominate a pupil for a special mention in assembly.  Certificates will include pupil name, staff name and reason for the award. Where possible the reason will be linked to our learning habits and values
  3. Table of awesomeness – Once every half term midday adults will nominate 4 or 5 pupils (and a friend for each one) to eat at the table of awesomeness 

ABC Sanctions

A = a QUIET WORD – used when somebody ‘gets carried away’.  This involves telling pupils what is not acceptable without ‘telling them off’.

Adults will: 1. Listen if a learner wants to explain. 2. Remain quiet and calm.  3. Be crystal clear about expectations 4. Leave learners with a smile.


B = 2 MINUTE REFLECTION AND APOLOGY.  This is used when expectations / or school rules have been made clear but the learner decides not to follow them.  It is deliberate/ pre-meditated misbehaviour.  It becomes 5 minutes ONLY if the pupil is un- cooperative or cheeky etc. 

Adults will explain what was unacceptable and the learner will have a 2 minute time-out accompanied by the staff member quietly.  The learner will be asked to apologize and reflect on what they did,  accept that they were wrong, show respect and take responsibility.  At the end of the reflection period the adult will end the period positively with a thank you.

If the learner refuses to co-operate and show the adult respect then the adult will give them a warning.  If you don’t do it now it will be 5 minutes.

If the learner still refuses then the reflection period becomes 5 minutes.


C= this is red line behaviour eg bullying, racism, violence, swearing, outright defiance (eg refusing 5 minutes reflection with an adult).  

The learner is sent to the HT or class teacher in the head teacher’s absence. Following discussion and reflection time with the HT the learner will return to the lunchtime adult, reflect for 2 minutes and apologise. (This will happen at the next break if the problem occurred at the end of break)


The adults on duty deal with playtime  and lunchtime problems, at playtime and lunchtime.
