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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 5 - Starbright

Welcome to Year 5 Starbright 
Hello and welcome to the new Starbright class page. 


Letters, spelling and homework can be found on this page!


Planting beetroot, carrots and beans in our mini allotment!

The children planted beetroot, carrots and beans in our mini allotment this afternoon. They weeded the land, dug small holes, watered the area and made sure the seeds were sewn in a straight line. Hopefully it will be a success!

Allotment Visit

The children had a fantastic time at the allotment this morning. They spent the morning taking part in three activities in small groups. Firstly they had a guided tour by Mrs Fields who owns a plot. They asked her lots of interesting questions. Secondly, the children completed a quiz on what was in the allotments and why it was important. Finally, the children had the opportunity to use a map and the Council's inspection sheets to rate each allotment plot. Thanks to Mrs Barker for arranging this for us. The children were all really well behaved and had a great time.


Our Egyptians Display


New Walk Museum 'Meet the Mummies'

Eclipse 2015


Our topic for Spring 1 has been 'Beast Creator.' We have been learning about mini beasts, including their habitats, food chains and characteristics. We carried out a mini beast hunt around the grounds of school and set up a woodlice experiment in the classroom, where we created different habitats to see where they best liked to stay. Noah also brought in his Giant African Land Snail for us to hold. We had a visitor in our class over the last few weeks too, Mr O'Hare was taking some of the lessons. In literacy we have been looking at myths and explanation texts. We will try to publish some n the website when they are complete!


Our fantastic Beast Creator display.



Our topic for this half term is ‘Off With Her Head!'  We have been finding out about the Tudors.  Do you have any books at home you'd like to share with the class?


Below you can find a copy of the most recent homework.


Don't forget there are also maths activities available on Education City, just use the login details in your homework book.

Key Information for the year:
Homework is sent out fortnightly and is linked to our creative curriculum.


Spellings are sent home weekly with tests usually taking place on a Wednesday. Times table tests are usually on a Thursday.


You should try to practice spellings and timetables for 5 minutes each day and reading for 15 minutes.

P.E. will be on Tuesdays and Wedensdays this term so make sure your P.E. kit is in school and hair is tied back!


Our School Council Reps are Jacob and Jack.


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
