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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 2 - Eeyores

Conkers June 2015

Nepal Appeal.

Thursday 7th May 2015.


Many thanks for the contributions for the Nepal Appeal.

Today we used these coins to fill a map of Nepal and a number of Nepalese flags.

Nepal Appeal

What an exciting fun-packed Spring term we have had! Eeyores thoroughly enjoyed our pirate topic during the first half term and produced some fabulous cross-curricular work. This half term the children had fun exploring flowers, plants and not forgetting, creating yummy truffles. We ended the term with our excellent residential trip to Beaumanor Hall. The children had a blast and learnt lots more about Pirates and what it was like to be a Victorian child working. Here are a selection of photos we have taken this term!


Spring Term 2015













Xmas Factor Nativity!

Wow! What a huge success our Nativity was this year. All the children were outstanding  and I felt immensely proud of every single one of them. A special thank-you goes to the parents and family for helping prepare the children (by learning lines and creating wonderful costumes)! I am sure you will agree that Mr Collins created a really magical backdrop to accompany the fabulous scenery.


Welcome to the Year 2 - Eeyores page




What a busy first term we've had in school! The class have settled very well into Year 2 and have certainly enjoyed our topic all about Castles.


We are extremely busy preparing for our Christmas Nativity  'The Xmas Factor' and can't believe we are performing next week! A huge thank you to parents for helping your child to learn their lines and for supplying such wonderful costumes. You are certainly in for a real treat!


You will also be receiving your 16th Day book this week. Please do sign or leave a comment to acknowledge you have looked at it. It then means I can start collecting them back in! 


Please keep checking the class page for notices and information as I will update the page regularly


Have a very happy and enjoyable Christmas!


Miss Cottam
