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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

EYFS - Gruffaloes


WOW! What a busy first term we have had. The children in Gruffaloes have been working so hard on achieving their target of becoming independent writers. Each week they have been doing a daily piece of writing based on a book or a topic. This writing has been a mixture of Fiction and Non-Fiction. Some of the topics the children have been writing about include Animals, The Seaside, Bean Plants and Noah's Ark. The children are becoming much more confident at sounding out words themselves rather than asking for help. They've even been adding capital letters at the start of their sentences and full stops at the end!

In Numeracy we have been focusing on counting to 100 and counting in twos, fives and tens. The children have also been exploring money, time and shape.

This term we have a fantastic Garden Centre in our classroom. This links with our topic of Growing. The children have also had lots of outside opportunities and learning.

Please remember if it is sunny your child will need a sun hat to keep themselves protected.


Summer Term 1

This Term we are looking at Growing and Summer. We are hoping we will be able to get out in our outside area and get some planting done!

Our target this term is for the children to become independent writers. Each week we will be focusing on a big book. This will either be Fiction or Non Fiction. The children will then have a daily writing opportunity linked to this text. We have given the children their own special writing books called 'My Wonderful Writing'. So far the children have been really excited about this and already we have seen progress and their confidence grow.


We have also started Street Dance on a Friday. The children are really enjoying these sessions so far.


Reminder-Please can you check that all your child's clothing is labelled with their name. We have noticed recently that a lot of their school clothes and PE kit are missing name labels. This makes getting identifying your child's belongings difficult before and after PE.


Gruffaloes will be sharing their special class assembly on Friday 6th May. Parents are invited and times will be sent out nearer the time.


Hopefully we will be getting some nice weather soon. All children in EYFS have daily outdoor provision. Please can children bring in a sunhat which they can keep in their book bags or tray.


Welcome to Gruffaloes!



This term our topic is all about different animals from those who live in water to those which live on land. We will be using a variety of Fiction and non-Fiction books to help us learn all about them. We will be particularly focusing on the life-cycles of some animals. In Literacy we will be focusing on a big book each week and we will be looking at the sounds in phase 3 as well as some tricky diagraphs.

In Numeracy we will be continuing to look at our numbers as well as beginning to count in two's, fives and tens. We will be reinforcing our shape recognition as well as learning all about money and time. The children will be learning different strategies for taking away and adding numbers.


Spring 1 continued.....

What a busy few weeks we have had since Christmas. So far we have learned all about Butterflies and Frogs, Jungle animals and creatures that live in the sea. We have done lots of work on life-cycles. In particular the life-cycle of a frog and butterfly and have learnt some lovely new vocabulary such as metamorphosis! The children have a super Jungle role play are in the classroom and are loving exploring all the different animals in there. Thank you so much to all of you who loaned an animal from home.

In RE we have been focusing on stories that Jesus told as well as looking in depth at the Creation Story.

In Numeracy we have been developing our shape recognition with particular focus on 3D shapes as well as learning all about coins.

What a busy half term we have had!

Make sure you all rest and have a great half term.

Spring Term 1

We have all settled in really well to school!

This half term we are learning all about our amazing bodies. We have been finding out what the different parts of our bodies are called. We have also started to learn about our 5 senses.

Each week we have a daily literacy session where we look at a big book which is normally related to our topic. We also have a daily phonics session where we learn our letter sounds.

After play we have a numeracy session. So far we have been looking at numbers to 10 and shapes. Mrs Oakes also plans weekly continuous indoor and outdoor activities for us such as painting, playdough, cutting and sticking and games. What a busy week we all have!

PE-We have PE on a Monday. Please can all children have their PE kits in school each week. Long hair needs to be tied back and if your child has their ears pierced then please can they be removed before they come to school or tape provided in their bags to cover them.


Homework is sent home weekly on a Friday and needs to be completed and returned no later then the following Thursday.


Reminder-Healthy Snacks need to be either a plain biscuit (not chocolate) or a piece of fruit.

Please can you check that all clothing your child has in school is clearly named.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.

Many thanks

Mrs Oakes and The Foundation Stage Team
