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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 1 - Tiggers

Welcome to The Tiggers!



What a fantastic new website!! Please do check regularly as I will update the class page with any relevant information. 



What a super start to the Spring term. I can't believe how close we are to the end of the school year! Everybody have a restful(?) week and I look forward to hearing about all your adventures. 



Your homework is to pick a special  day or activity from your half term and draw/attach a picture with a description. We will share these on the first Friday back!


Mrs Port :)




Welcome back!



We are having a six week block of Tennis sessions which are taking place on a Thursday morning. Please ensure your child's PE kit is in school at all times. 



I am absolutely delighted with the homework being handed in! We have had some brilliant 'Blasting Rockets' creations! The children really enjoy sharing their work with the rest of the class and they are becoming confident at doing so. 


It is my aim for your child to be heard reading 1-1 at least once a week. As i'm sure you can appreciate, it can sometimes take the full week to get through the 28 children.  Please ensure reading records and reading books are kept in your child's book bag at all times. 



It is very difficult for the children to manoeuvre  around the cloak room if children have over sized bags. It can also make it hard for the children's belongings to stay on their pegs. Please could you make sure your child has an appropriately sized bag each day. I really do appreciate your support in this!



The Nativity was a huge success! The children were outstanding this year and the effort they put into the Nativity was phenomenal. A special thank-you goes to the parents and family for helping prepare the children (by learning lines and creating wonderful costumes)! I am sure you will agree that Mr Collins created a really magical backdrop.



Due to the Natvity and the panto happening this week (phew!), I am listening to all the children this week one last time before the Christmas holidays. I will have listened to each child individually by the end of the week and if you have any concerns/queries re: reading please do come and see me for a chat.



I always look forward to receiving the homework and I am so pleased with the effort that the children put into it. I will have marked all of the homework by the end of the week but will not be sending any more out until the first Friday back after Christmas. I am sure everybody needs to relax after a very long Autumn term.... 


We are all so excited to be going to Nottingham on Thursday. Please can your child bring a packed lunch in a clearly named plastic bag. All children will be wearing school uniform and are not required to bring their book bags. The school building will be shut when we return. It is vitally important that all adults collect their child from the designated area from Mrs Anderson or myself. It can be very hectic in the car-park when we return and will be very dark. 


Christmas Party 15th December

Just a reminder that FS and KS1 will be having a Christmas party on Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child brings their party clothes in a clearly marked bag. 





Wow....What a busy term we have had. So much has happened since the Gruffaloes became the Tiggers! I am so impressed with their growing maturity and how beautifully they have all settled in. 


We are busy gearing up for 'The Xmas Factor' and can't believe how close we are to performing to you all. A huge thank you to parents for helping your child learn their lines and for supplying such wonderful costumes. You are in for a real treat!


You will also be receiving your 16th Day book this week. Please do sign or leave a comment to acknowledge you have looked at it. It then means I can start collecting them back in! 


Mrs Port

Our Gallery!
