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"Be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love".

1 Corinthians 16 vs 13-14

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

EYFS - Gruffaloes




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Watching the Solar Eclipse!


Gruffalo – Parent Consultations


Monday 16th March

Tuesday 17th March














Jack D




Sadie D




































Lucy M






















Lucy Mc














Week commencing: 9 March 2015



This week we have been looking at a variety of resources to learn about healthy eating. In Literacy the children watched a fruit salad being made whilst they did a words search for timew connectives (first, next, last) and bossy words (cut, chop, mix). They also wrote their own instructions for a fruit salad recipe.

In Mathematics they have been learning about time and how to sequence the events of a typical day. They were very impressive in showing their learning of telling the time to the o'clock - well done Gruffaloes.

In Phonics we are learning the following sounds: ure / air / er  and reading 'you'. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write captions and sentences.

In Science this term, the children are learning about forces. This week we have been learning about friction and gravity, and how friction can slow or speed up an action.

Our Religious Education work this term is based on Springtime and the Easter Story. The children are learning about animals at Springtime.


Week commencing: 2 March 2015

This week we are looking at the well-known fiction book 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. In Literacy the children are creating a 'Wanted' poster in which they describe a missing bear and they are also retelling the story with a story map using words and pictures.

In Mathematics we are embedding prepositional language (on, underneath, above, next to, infront of) and knowing pairs of numbers that add up to 10. They are continuing to say 1 more and 1 less than a given number between 0 and 20. 

In Phonics we are learning the following sounds: ur / ow / oi / ear and reading 'my'. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write captions and sentences.

In Science this term, the children are learning about forces. This week we are learning how forces make things change direction (up, down, forwards, backwards). 

Our Religious Education work this term is based on Springtime and the Easter Story. The children are learning about the Good Shepard story from the Bible and learning how Jesus cares for us. Afterwards, the children will write a prayer for the people that care for them.


Week commencing: 23 February 2015

This week we are looking at the information book 'Growing Plants' and in Literacy the children are labelling a plant writing a sentence about flowers.

In Mathematics we are learning to order by length and measuring with cubes. The children practised estimating and we are continuing to say 1 more and 1 less than a given number between 0 and 20. 

In Phonics we are learning the following sounds: oo/oo, ar, or and spelling 'no' and 'go'. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write CVC words for captions (for example, ‘A red cat.’). We continuing sentence level work and continuing with labelling.

In Science this term, the children are learning about forces. This week we explored whether to use toys or objects we have to push it, pull it or do both. 

Our Religious Education work this term is based on Springtime and the Easter Story. This children explored the Eco garden and looked for signs of spring, then we learnt more about what happens during Spring. We had circle time speaking and listening to each other about what we saw in the garden.


Week commencing: 9 February 2015

This week we are looking at the information book 'Night and Day Animals' and in Literacy the children are drawing and labelling four night animals and four day animals. They are also using their phonics skills to write a sentence about their favourite animal.

In Mathematics we are learning to read addition number sentences using objects, pictures and a number track. We are continuing to say 1 more and 1 less than a given number between 0 and 20. 

In Phonics we are learning the following sounds: ai / ee / igh / oa and reading 'was' and 'my'. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write CVC words for captions (for example, ‘A red cat.’). We continuing sentence level work and continuing with labelling.

In Science, the children are learning to say whether an object is water-proof.

Our Religious Education lesson this week is about the Creation story from the Chinese faith and learning about Yin and Yang (opposites), since it is Chinese New Year next week.

We made and ate Egg Fried Rice, here we are tasting it:

Week commencing: 2 February 2015

We are looking at the story book 'The Rainbow Fish' and 'The Spell Shell' in Literacy this week. All children are writing about a fish, using their phonics to either write sentences and/or label. The children are also hunting for tricky words around the classroom and then writing them.  In this picture the children are listening to the sea and whispering a wish into the shell.



In Mathematics we are learning to use a number track to answer subtraction number sentences.  

In Phonics we are recapping the following sounds: sh / ch / th / ng  and reading we, me, be. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write CVC words for captions (for example, ‘A red cat.’). We have started sentence level work and continuing with labelling.

In Science, the children drew their home and labelled the parts made from brick, plastic, wood, glass and metal.

Our Religious Education lesson this week is about the Creation stories from the Aboriginal community.


Week commencing: 26 January 2015

We are looking at the information book 'Tadpole Diary' in Literacy this week. All children are writing about what frogs can do, using their phonics to either write sentences or label their ideas. The children are also writing and drawing their own life-cycle of a frog and practising reading high-frequency words in a group game. A busy week. When sharing books at home, it would be helpful to see if your child(ren) can point out the title of the book, since we are embedding this at school.

In Mathematics we are learning to read subtraction number sentences using objects and pictures. We are continuing to order numbers 10 to 20 and being able to say 1 more and 1 less than a given number between 0 and 20. 

In Phonics we are recapping the following sounds: j / v / w / x / y / z/ zz/ qu and reading no, go, he, she, I. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write CVC words for captions (for example, ‘A red cat.’). We have started sentence level work and continuing with labelling.

In Science, the children are learning to say whether an object is made from man-made or natural materials.

Our Religious Education lesson this week is about the Creation stories from the Hindu, Jewish and Christian faiths.


Week commencing: 19 January 2015

This week in literacy we are looking at the story book 'The Gingerbread Man', focusing on being able to retell the story in words, drawing and in our writing.  We have been creating story maps, practising the alphabet and also (most excitingly) baked gingerbread people followed by sequencing cooking pictures. We are learning that story books are called fiction, information books are called non-fiction, the writer is known as the author and the pictures are created by the illustrator. It would be helpful if you could talk to your children about this too when reading.

In Mathematics we are learning to recognise coins and understand the value of money, and continuing to order numbers 0 to 20.  Help your child pay for things in shops when out and about using coins (1p - £1) to secure this new learning and talk about what each coin is called.

In Phonics we are recapping the following sounds: e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss. We are practising these letter formations, as well as segmenting and blending to read and write CVC words, (for example cot). We have started sentence level work and continuing with labelling and writing captions.

In Science we are learning to recognise objects made using different materials such as plastic, wood, metal, fabric and paper and also being able to describe how they feel to touch.

Our Religious Education lesson is focused on new beginnings and this week the children talked about what they could do when they were babies and learning how different religions celebrate new life.


Week commencing: 12 January 2015

A warm welcome back after the Christmas holidays.  Our Spring theme is 'Animals', so we will be looking at bears, snakes, butterflies, sea creatures and nocturnal animals using well-known stories and information books. 

This week in Literacy we have been looking at The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, specifically retelling the story and drawing and labelling the lifecycle of a butterfly.

In Numeracy we are ordering by length, ordering numbers to 10 and to 20, then comparing two numbers and knowing which is the greatest and smallest, using the vocabulary of 'more and less than'.

The sounds we are going over this week are: i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e. We are reading high-frequency words: is, it, in, at, and; we are also reading tricky words: the, to.


Here we are with our teddies in the class Teddy Bear's Picnic. We learnt about old and new teddies and shared what was special about our own teddies.


Miss Bishop and the Foundation Stage Team



What a busy few weeks we have had leading up to Christmas. The children have been busy practising for their special Class sharing assembly and the nativity production of the 'Xmas Factor'. We have also been making lots of wonderful Christmas goodies such as 'Gingerbread men' Christmas decorations for the Christmas Tree festival in the church and Christmas cards and calendars.

The children were very excited when they came in on the 1st December to find a Winter Wonderland filled with snow in our water tray and a Santa's Grotto role play area.

Thank you to all the children who bought in a Christmas Decoration for the tree in the hall. They all look really super and are a lovely addition to the ones we have all ready collected.


Don't forget its our special FS and KS1 production of 'Xmas Factor' on Friday 5th Dec at 10am and Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th of Dec at 2pm. We hope to see lots of you there. The children are getting very excited!


Miss Bishop has been in over the last couple of weeks getting to know the children and the routine! Please come and see her after Christmas if you have any questions or concerns. I have really been enjoying my last few weeks with the children and will keep in touch to see how they progress. They have been a delight for me to teach and I will really miss them after Christmas. Thank you all for your support this term!


Mrs Oakes and The Foundation Stage Team


Our special class sharing assembly-2/12/14



Our very own Santa's Grotto-Wow!

